BLANKETS FOR KENYA - Project Completed
The 40-foot container of donated medical supplies and equipment and school books is finally on its way. Volunteers from Missoula loaded the container on the morning of March 25, 2013. It then made a stop in Spokane, Washington for the addition of more materials before being taken to port in Seattle. The container will arrive in Mombasa, Kenya by June 5, 2013 and must then be transported across 500 miles of good to bad roads to reach the village of Kilgoris.
Thanks to an anonymous donor from outside of our district, the container was purchased and can be used in Kilgoris for, most likely, an addition to the medical clinic.
Thank you to all the people and clubs who donated funds to help make this possible.
UPDATE: Our main obstacle in sending all these much needed items to Kenya is FUNDING. Please read the letter (open it in the box in the upper left corner) to learn more about the Kilgoris, Kenya area and the needs we can help fill.
If your club is looking for an easy way to become involved in an international project, then this may be of interest. BLANKETS TO KENYA is an easy way to do an international project. 400 blankets have been donated and will be shipped to a very poor area of Kenya at Kilgori as soon as enough money is raised to pay for shipping the cargo container. The container also has clothing, medical supplies, and college textbooks. To become involved, a club and/or individuals can sponsor the shipment of a blanket for $15.00. In other words, for a small project investment of $150.00 a club can have an international project and sponsor 10 blankets or they might choose to sponsor more or less. To participate, a club or individual can make a check payable to the Rotary District 5390 Foundation and note on the memo line that this is for Kenya Blankets. Mail to the address listed on the donation form. The closing date to participate has been extended to early 2012. The container will be met in Kenya by a former Bigfork Rotarian, Cindy Avila, and delivered to those in need. Cindy has lived in Kenya for 18 years and will be an excellent guardian of the supplies. Instead of a 20 foot shipping container, we will now be sending a 40 foot container. Additional items have been donated which will make it possible to fill the larger container and shipping cost is only $1300 more than a 20 foot.
Rotarians who would like to contribute used text books, children's books, crutches, leg braces, wheel chairs, etc. can contact Arlene Weber.