Why Recruit a Global Student?

Studying abroad is the best experience high school students can have to enhance their lives and expand their horizons before college, author Maya Frost says in her book, The New Global Student .
In this handbook for students planning to travel abroad and their parents, Frost writes that although hundreds of organizations offer exchange programs, Rotary Youth Exchange is the best option hands-down.
"Every person I've talked to who went through Rotary's exchange program has, without exception and in every case, told me that it has positively changed their lives forever," says Frost. "It's an extraordinary program."
Frost's articles on education have been featured in more than 125 media outlets. She dedicates an entire chapter of her book to Rotary, offering tips for parents, stories from former Youth Exchange students, and information about the benefits and challenges of the program.
Frost is not a Rotarian but has been involved with Youth Exchange for years. Her husband, Tom, and three of their daughters have participated in the program. Their experiences with Rotary were what inspired her to include the organization in the book, says Frost.
She hopes Rotarians can use her book as a promotional tool for Youth Exchange.
"I think the chapter on Rotary gives Rotarians an opportunity to easily explain what Youth Exchange is about and how it impacts students' lives," she says. "The testimonials are an amazing example of what students are doing with their experience."